Preamble of Kazakhstan Constitution and Uzbekistan Constitution ( Full Pdf ) - FindYourAdvocate
Preamble of Kazakhstan Constitution
We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by common historic fate, creating state on the indigenous Kazakh land, considering ourselves peace-loving and civil society, dedicated to the ideals of freedom, equality and concord, wishing to take worthy place in the world community, realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations, proceeding from our sovereign right, accept this Constitution.
Preamble of Uzbekistan Constitution
The people of Uzbekistan,
solemnly declaring their adherence to human rights and principles of state
being aware of their ultimate responsibility to the present and the future
relying on historical experience in the development of the Uzbek statehood,
affirming their commitment to the ideals of democracy and social justice,
recognizing priority of the generally accepted norms of the international law,
aspiring to a worthy life for the citizens of the Republic,
setting forth the task of creating a humane and democratic law-governed state,
aiming to ensure civil peace and national accord,
adopt in the person of their plenipotentiary representatives the present
Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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