Sex Education: Is It Still Prohibited in India?- Find Your Advocate

Sex Education: Is It Still Prohibited or Taboo in India?

In India, it seems that you should not have sex with a stranger until your parents arrange it for you.

Sex education is the most controversial issue of all time in India. India has always been on the list of developing countries and is reminded of it to this day. This discussion always leads to a lot of controversy and eventually goes back to the square without finding a solution. Even if the government wants to change the way people think, people are deprived of being literate about what they need to know. Everyone's opinion on a single issue is different. Some people think that in every living thing that happens it is just a natural phenomenon, while others are driven by desire and have an accident. For some, sex is a means to an end and for some, it means spirituality. So universal, when you look at it;

What is sex? Is it a word of prohibition because India is a cultured country or it is being misused by all of us.

Anything related to just sex comes up and what would the elders in the neighborhood say “it is against Indian culture”? Isn't sex in our culture? People forget that we have made Kamasutra. Most Indian parents are ashamed to talk to their children about the same thing again. How do children learn? Children are curious about sex and sexuality because there are always "conscious" feelings about such things. Children want to know about sex, but adults tell them they need to know something else. In India, much emphasis is placed on adolescent pregnancy and HIV / AIDS transmission when it comes to sex education. It is often observed that there is a lack of awareness about “stru tusrab”, not just “homosexuality”. Despite discussions about teenage pregnancies, there is also a lack of awareness about safe sex. Adolescents have a higher level of awareness about sex education among those who live in urban areas than those who live in rural areas. This is due to the high quality of education and the reason for the greater expression of the worldview

Controversially, sex education has not yet received the status it deserves. On 1 November 200, the Supreme Court ruled that sex education in schools could not be included as a fundamental right as part of the right to education. "We cannot make it (sex education) a fundamental right," it said that a bench comprising Justice Ruma Pal and Justice AR Laxman said in public interest litigation advocating for making sex education compulsory in schools.

Important CE's Sex Education:

Young people usually acquire information about sex from friends, books, advertisements, television, magazines, and the Internet. The problem is that these sources may or may not provide them with accurate and precise information. As such, sex education will help to transfer authentic information and correct any misconceptions and misinformation that remain in the process away from being associated with their already existing knowledge.
Sex education provided through schools can prove to be an important and effective way to further enhance young people's sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.
Sex education in school is important because many parents are ashamed to talk/teach their children about it.
In order to educate children about gender, they also need to know how to promote the subject, what information should be provided, and what should be left behind. All of these can be handled with care by a trained sex teacher.
It is a fact that more and more teenagers are having premarital sex nowadays. It also places more emphasis on students ’sex education needs. This will help them make better decisions about their personal sexual activity.
Many argue that sex education helps adolescents reduce risky behaviors such as having unprotected sex resulting in unwanted pregnancies and STDs.
About 80% of adolescents are unaware of various sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia and are unaware of the causes of these diseases.
Sex education helps adolescents to better prepare for life changes, such as adolescence, menopause, and old age. 
Sex education helps to understand the place of sex in human life and loves other people
Lack of sex education leads to and leads to juvenile rape, teenage pregnancy, high-risk behavior, sexual abuse as a result of lack of knowledge, sexually transmitted diseases. To avoid the above problems, sex education should be provided to all students at the school level. Teachers argue how sex can be taught in school? It is immoral. Parents argue that how can they talk to their children about forbidden things like sex or the human body? They feel ashamed. Peer groups and friends have fun on sex-related topics.

So who will educate people? It is our responsibility. Parents must talk to their children about this to make them aware and to avoid any problems. Sex education is a must for formal education about subjects.


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