Cyberbullying - A modern day Crime | FindYourAdvocate
At first glance, cyberbullying involves several types of crimes, including humiliation through hate speech, texting, or messaging, and posting or sharing negative and fabricated information about a person in order to assassinate their character. , types and forms of cyberbullying are also widespread.
These are: posting hurtful or degrading rumors or comments about a person online posting embarrassing or nude / inappropriate photos or videos posting a false or inappropriate website about another person creating online threats that lead to a person committing suicide or hurt another person, racial, ethnic or political hatred on the internet by posting hateful comments or videos.
There are no exceptions to cyberbullying in India either With the increase in the availability of data services and the presence of social networks, our country has seen a sudden surge in cyberbullying cases. Adults and teenagers across the country are prone to horrific cyberbullying. In this digital age where people live on digital platforms and online, it is inevitable that a person will not meet them at least once. It is therefore important to develop measures to prevent and combat cyberbullying. It can be addressed through appropriate criminal offender punishment laws to prevent cyberbullying in India.
The Raghavan Committee report recommended that teachers and school principals should be held accountable when bullying occurs on school premises. In the case of the University of Kerala v. Council, Principal Universities, Kerala and others “The question now arises, why shouldn't India's criminal laws apply to a school?
Schoolchildren can be said to be teenagers, but don't forget that different cities have different crimes, including murders committed by teenagers today ”.Unfortunately, there is no specific law in India that deals with cyberbullying. So we have to rely on India's Criminal Code (IPC) and it is now up to the executive and legislative branches to implement laws regulating cyberbullying as the moment demands it.
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