Effect and Law of Cyber Sexual Harassment | Find Your Advocate
What is Cyber sexual harassment?
Cyber sexual harassment includes the acts of a person or persons towards the victim in cyberspace that cause emotional stress, psychological harassment, gender-based harassment, invasion of privacy, etc. Bullies can stir up fear of physical harm, threaten or post something defamatory about the victim. This can also lead to victims pretending to be on porn sites. These acts sometimes act like intimidation but not harassment. There is a fine line that tends to blur when the platform for such action is the cyber world or the digital world; However, both of these behaviors are inappropriate and so the law must be designed to generally punish you. In vain when it comes to a cyberspace harassment case, but you can be successful if you differentiate yourself based on who you target.
Lack of Cyber sexual harassment Law
In this updated world and the increasing complexity of the tech world with sexual harassment as an evolving practice, harassment in cyberspace is tending But lawmakers have not considered future issues, so penalties for sexual harassment in cyberspace are lacking. useful seems so out of date that it only punishes acts of sexual harassment that primarily take place in a designated area, protected view, and offline word . For example : workplace, educational institution, etc. Second, bullying of any kind is not seen as as harmful in the digital world as it is in some sheltered environments. Basically, this means that if a woman is sexually harassed in her workplace or school or sheltered place, she has an appeal under the law, but if she is molested by an unknown stranger through digital media, she has no legal remedy there is no separate remedy. Hence, the legislature's traditional perspective needs to be modernized to see the realities of the modern world and the internet age. Therefore, a separate law is required that regulates that there is plenty of ethical behavior on the digital platform. Bad effects of cyber sexual harassment on the victim also on society.
Sometimes this leads to emotional stress, which leads to the victim committing suicide, quitting work, or dropping out of school. It causes the victim to suffer psychologically, which leads to trauma, inactivity, low productivity, etc. Cyberbullying against women leads to sexual objectification, gender stereotypes, as the trivialization of these crimes would be a sign of encouragements . In this digital world where everyone opts for social networks to make friends, connects to online media channels in search of work, professional interactions happen and if they are at risk of sexual harassment in cyberspace, those above would said effects end the life of a victim. It is an act of sexual violence that would lead to persistent gender inequality into the late century.
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